CHEM 3303 - Supplementary Problems - Part 1

Character Tables

Question 1
Give the transformation matrix for the following symmetry operations:

  1. E [Solution]
  2. C2(x) [Solution]
  3. C3 [Solution]
  4. σh [Solution]
  5. C4 [Solution]
  6. i [Solution]

Question 2
Construct the Character Table for the D3h Point Group. The table has the following operations:
E, 2C3, 3C2, σh, 2S3 and 3σv. [Solution]

Question 3
A Character Table has the following operations: E, 2C3, C2, 3σv, 3σd and one other operation (with 2 equivalent operations). What is the missing operation? [Solution]

Vibrational Spectroscopy

Question 1
For the following molecules determine the number of IR and Raman active vibrations:

  1. SiCl4 [Solution]
  2. trans-SF2Cl4 [Solution]
  3. SbCl5 [Solution]
  4. CH2Cl2 [Solution]

Resonance Spectroscopy

Question 1
For the following molecules give the expected coupling pattern that would be observed in a 19F NMR spectrum (ignore any JCF and JHF):

  1. PF6- [Solution]
  2. cis-195PtF2Cl22- [Solution]
  3. fac-MoF3(PMe3)3 [Solution]
  4. DF [Solution]
  5. SiFCl3 [Solution]
  6. SeF4 [Solution]
  7. mer-PF3Cl3- [Solution]
  8. 57FeF4- [Solution]
  9. AgFPMe3 [Solution]
  10. AlF4- [Solution]