CHEM 2303 - Supplementary Problems - Part 1

Quantum Numbers

Question 1
Give an appropriate set of quantum numbers (n,l,ml,ms) for an electron in the following orbitals:

  1. 2s [Solution]
  2. 2px [Solution]
  3. 3pz [Solution]
  4. 3dxz [Solution]
  5. 4dz2 [Solution]
  6. 5dx2-y2 [Solution]

Slater's Rules

Question 1
Determine the effective nuclear charge (Z*) for a valence electron in the following atoms or ions:

  1. As+ [Solution]
  2. S [Solution]
  3. Cr [Solution]
  4. Pd2+ [Solution]
  5. Cu+ [Solution]

Oxidation-Reduction (RedOx) Reaction

Question 1
Balance the following reaction (acidic conditions):

  1. BrO3 + N2H4 → Br + N2 [Solution]
  2. UO2+ + NO3 → UO22+ + NO [Solution]
  3. P4 + NO3 → H2PO4 + NO [Solution]
  4. S2O32– + MnO4 → SO42– + Mn2+ [Solution]
  5. Ag+ + H2CO → Ag + HCO2H [Solution]

Question 2
Balance the following reaction (basic conditions):

  1. ClO + CrO2 → Cl + CrO42– [Solution]
  2. Fe(OH)2 + CrO42– → Fe2O3 + Cr(OH)4 [Solution]
  3. CH3CH2OH + MnO4 → CH3COO + MnO2 [Solution]
  4. ClO2 → ClO3 + Cl [Solution]
  5. [Fe(CN)6]3– + N2H4 → [Fe(CN)6]4– + N2 [Solution]

Frost (Oxidation State) Diagrams

Question 1
Predict the products from the following RedOx reactions using a Frost Diagram:

  1. Ni2+ + Cu2+ [Solution]
  2. VO2+ + Cr2+ [Solution]
  3. CoO2 + Cr3+ [Solution]
  4. Ti3+ + H3O+ [Solution]
  5. H2O + I2 [Solution]