Accessibility Advisory Committee

The province of Nova Scotia passed the Accessibility Act in 2017, recognizing accessibility as a human right, and sets a goal of an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030. The Acadia University Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides recommendations to ensure equitable participation for persons with disabilities in programs, services, initiatives, and facilities at Acadia University. By identifying, preventing, and eliminating barriers, the AAC helps Acadia become a barrier-free post-secondary institution that strives for persons with disabilities to access post-secondary education and employment.

Acadia is designated as a “prescribed public sector body” by the province, requiring a comprehensive accessibility plan to be developed by April 1, every 3 years. The AAC plays a pivotal role in helping ensure Acadia becomes accessible and meet its obligations under the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act. Acadia’s Accessibility Plan has eight priority areas of focus:

  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Teaching, learning, and research
  • Information and communication
  • Delivery of goods and services
  • Employment
  • Transportation
  • Built environment
  • Implementation, monitoring, and evaluation

The AUAAC consists of members from across campus, including student, faculty, and staff representatives who have lived experiences with disabilities and subject matter expertise. At least one half of the AUAAC must be persons with disabilities or representatives from organizations representing persons with disabilities.

Acadia is currently seeking interested individuals to participate in the Acadia University Accessibility Advisory Committee. Applications to join the committee will be accepted until June 29, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified in August 2024.

Application form (.docx)