BIOL3553: Immunology


This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of the defences of mammals and other organisms at the molecular, cellular and system levels.  Topics include the organisation and regulation of the immune system, cellular interactions among immune system components, immune dysfunction, and specific immune responses against pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoan and metazoan parasites.


Prerequisites: BIOL2013 (Cell Biology) and BIOL2053 (Microbial Diversity), with a grade of at least C- in each.


For Fall 2008, lectures for this course are scheduled in slot 1 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30-9:30), with mandatory tutorials scheduled in slot 29 (Thursday at 1:30-4:30).  There is not a formal laboratory session for this course.


The tentative outline for the Fall 2008 session is detailed below.  This outline is only meant to give you an idea of which topics we might cover, but be warned that this is tentative and that content may change at any time.


Immunology: a short course, fifth edition

Coico R, Sunshine G, Benjamini E

John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2003

Evaluation scheme (there is a good chance this will be changed for Fall 2008)

Mid-term test on lectures 2-11 (20%)

Mid-term test on lectures 12-21 (20%)

Final exam on lectures 22-36 (30%)

Research paper and seminar (15%)

Tests on content of seminars of all students (3 x 5%)

Lecture outline

1      Introduction to the course

2      Overview of immunology (Ch. 1)

3      Cells of the immune system (Ch. 2)

4      Innate immunity: phagocytosis and cell communication (Ch. 2)

5      Innate immunity: sensor systems and inflammation (Ch. 2)

6      Overview of acquired immunity (Ch. 2)

7      Acquired immunity: B-cell interactions (Ch. 2)

8      Acquired immunity: T-cell interactions (Ch. 2)

9      Immunogens and antigens (Ch. 3)

10    Antibody structure (Ch. 4)

11    Antibody function (Ch. 4)

12    Antigen-antibody interactions (Ch. 5)

13    Genetic basis of antibody structure (Ch. 6)

14    Biology of the B-lymphocyte (Ch. 7)

15    Biology of the T-lymphocyte (Ch. 8)

16    Structure of the major histocompatibility complex (Ch. 9)

17    Function of the major histocompatibility complex (Ch. 9)

18    Activation and function of T and B cells (part 1) (Ch. 10)

19    Activation and function of T and B cells (part 2) (Ch. 10)

20    Cytokines (Ch. 11)

21    Cytokine receptors (Ch. 11)

22    Central tolerance (Ch. 12)

23    Autoimmunity (Ch. 12)

24    Complement activation pathways (Ch. 13)

25    Biological activities of complement (Ch. 13)

26    Type I hypersensitivity (Ch. 14)

27    Type II and III hypersensitivity (Ch. 15)

28    Type IV hypersensitivity (Ch. 16)

29    Primary immunodeficiency disorders (Ch. 17)

30    HIV, AIDS and the immune system (Ch. 17) by Jane Brooks

31    Transplantation immunology (Ch. 18) by Jane Brooks

32    Tumour immunology (Ch. 19) by Jane Brooks

33    Immunity to pathogens (Ch. 20)

34    Evasion of the immune system by pathogens (Ch. 20)

35    Immunisation (Ch. 20) by Jane Brooks

36    Evolution of immune systems