Mathematical Games


Middle School

High School

Logic Games

The Fruit Game Ancient Game of Nim

Other Mathematical Game Links

Dart Game - Probability
Power Cards
  Game of Chance
Equivalent Fraction Game
Monty's Dilemma
 Cereal Box Problem

Game of Life

Colorful Math
Number Bracelets
Stock Market
Colorful Math
Number Bracelets
Stock Market

More Links

Set Theory Card Game
Set Theory Card Game

Logic Games

The following three games are related in their connection to the mathematics curriculum. They all require certain levels of mathematical logic, to establish a strategy to a final goal. Details outlining each the games, as well as more specific mathematical curriculum connections are included as well. 

Ancient Game of Nim (High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


This game of Nim involves a serious amount of mathematical logic in order to win. It is a game that involves a competitive edge, and students will be forced to establish strategies in order to problem solve their way through the game. The object of the game is for players to recognize patterns in order to outsmart their opponent. [AC & TD]

The Fruit Game (Middle School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


This game teaches students about problem solving and decision making. As well it forces players to plan strategies and establish clarity for future moves within the game. Players take turns removing one kind of fruit from a table  in an attempt to be the player that removes the last fruit from the table.  This link provides a computer simulation of the game, but there are suggestions for in classroom play without computers, as well as some modification to make the game more advanced. [AC & TD] 

Withoff (High School or above)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


Withoff is an extension the The Ancient Game of Nim listed above. In this game the idea it to reduce piles of objects to a number pair that corresponds to a particular number pair in an established safe cell or queen cell. This can requires high mathematical logic skills, to establish a strategy for getting the Queen to the lower left corner of the game board. This is a computer simulated game, but there are suggestions for using this game in a classroom. It does require a high degree of multilevel thinking. [AC & TD]

Other Mathematical Game Links

Dart Game - Probability (Middle School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


This is a computer simulated game gives students a chance to make connections between rations and percents. In the Nova Scotia Grade 8 Curriculum there is unit on rations and proportions, and this game would be a great resource tool for that unit.  It gives students a visual representation of the connection between proportions, ratios, and percents.   Students get a chance to manipulate the size of two shapes (circle and rectangle) to explore the probability that a dart thrown into the rectangle will hit the circle.   [AC & TD]

Gizmos (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

Gizmos are such a neat addition for mathematics at the secondary level. These interactive games are specifically designed to help students understand how to establish pattern in procedure orientated problem, accommodate visual learners, and make the math lesson exciting through the use of simulated games. They are simple to use and can be both competitive and non competitive. [AC & TD]

Power Cards (High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


Power cards can be used with or without computers in the classroom. This game incorporates the use of number cards (which can be printed from the above link) to introduce students to binary digits and discrete mathematics. The procedure and rules are simple, and the game does not require a long period of time to get the general concept across. [AC & TD]

Monty's Dilemma (High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

This game involves making decisions in the mathematical topic of statistics and probability. Students have to make decisions about entering and accepting prizes behind doors and then discovers the various outcomes, and the probability of such outcomes. [AC & TD]

Similar to Monty's Dilemma - Cereal Box Problem (High School)

This article gives a description of the cereal box problem which is a game similar to Monty's Dilemma. Once again students use problem solving and decision making skills in statistics and probability. [AC & TD]

Colorful Math (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


Colorful Mathematics is a combination of five games that incorporate advance mathematical concepts from graph theory to computer science. The instructions for the games are simple, and the overall structure of the games is fun and engaging for students of all academic levels. The games make some pretty difficult subject areas easy and engaging for students.  [AC & TD]

Game of Chance (Middle School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

This game helps students understand the process of learning the basic principles of probability. The game is pretty simple in its understanding because it is the simple game of rock, paper and scissors but in its modification it teaches students about chance and risk within the theory of basic probability. [AC & TD]

Equivalent Fraction Game (Middle School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

This game teaches students about fraction and their relationship with decimals and percentages. It is a modification of the card game fish, except that students have to use equivalent fractions to make pairs, and they eventually will by getting a certain percentage from a completed set of pairs or a book. [AC & TD]

Welter (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


There are quite a few games with similar ideas at this site. The games teach students problem solving and decision making skills through the simple use of paper and coins. Students have to develop a strategy using logical reasoning to form a link on a set of blocks with coins. The author of the game James Conway had developed a set of games that incorporates the number theory and communication, in order to get students to describe mathematics using the English language. [AC & TD]

Mathtrek (High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

This game is based on the Ehrenfeucht game that is useful in teaching certain aspects of mathematical logic. This author of this game wanted to establish a game such that the outcome involved a two player game and the second player (from the starting position) always won the game. Game is played with sequences of zeros and ones with students choosing and making decisions between turns on which digit to use and then identify and match another sequence in the second turn.  [AC & TD]

Number Bracelets - Recursive Formulas (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections


This is a really cool middle school game that helps introduce students to the Fibonacci sequence with the use of bracelets and beads.  It can be modified for both middle school and high school and the site highlights the fact that kids play this game outside classroom time.  Students construct loops and sequences based on colors of beads, patterns, and numbers. [AC & TD]

Stock Market Simulation (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

The above simulation help students learn about the principles behind the stock market, and the basic idea of economics. There are plenty of suggestions to use this across the curriculum in economics, mathematics, and communications, and from grades 5 to undergraduate studies. [AC & TD]

Tower (of Hanoi)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

This game uses a legend and a pile of disks. The object of the game is to move the entire set of disks from the left pile to a new right pile in an established order and under the specified set of rules. It teaches students about mathematical patterns and emphasizes clarity in order for students to establish an upcoming strategy to follow. [AC & TD]

Set Theory Card Game and Setgame Official Site (Middle School & High School)

Mathematical Curriculum Connections

There are a few card games mentioned under this directory but the basic idea behind all of them is teaching students about set theory. There are also a printable set of cards for teachers to use in their classroom and the rules for the game are pretty simple and easy for students and teachers to use.  It is a new approach to a topic that is quite difficult for students because it is so abstract to them.  It is a good lesson for visual and hands on learners.  [AC & TD]

Game of Life

John Conway’s “Game of Life” is a simulation of birth, death and survival of organisms based on certain rules. The game is played on a field of cells, each which has eight neighbours (adjacent cells). [ST & BM]

This article accompanies “The Game of Life” and gives an in-depth description of the now famous simulation, as well as giving us a look at the creator, John Conway. [ST & BM]


General Link Directory for Math Games

The links listed below contain some online resources that list a variety of resources and links to educational games.

AWC = Adrain Comeau

HS = Heather Stamper

ST = Stephanie Thibeau

BM = Bhreagh MacDonald

MW = Meghan Willison

TD = Tanya Daniels


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This page maintained by David A Reid, Email: